Highlights from the ECYD Middle School Boys National Tournament, and the Upcoming ECYD Summer Camps!
“Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win.” (1 Corinthians 9:24)
This was the inspiration for the theme of this year’s ECYD Middle School Boys National Tournament – “Run so as to win!” The tournament was held February 17th-20th at Sacred Heart Apostolic School in Rolling Prairie, Indiana, and over the weekend, ECYD members and teams from around North America participated in ECYD’s national winter games and competed in tournaments to take the gold home to their cities. This year, seven teams of boys in 5th-8th grade from Louisiana, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, New York, and Florida gathered to play in tournaments that included basketball, football, fubito, floor hockey, handball, and dodgeball. They also participated in a live Clue Action game and a manhunt, and spent an entire day downhill skiing. The tournament weekend concluded with Mass and the ECYD Pledge of Friendship Ceremony, during which the boys renewed their Pledge of Friendship with Christ, and one boy made the pledge for the first time.
The tournament was run by Fr. Patrick O’Loughlin, LC, who is the director of ECYD Life Department, and Brother Joseph Geiger, LC, the Assistant ECYD Director in Atlanta. “I love seeing the boys grow up and arriving to compete with fresh energy and more maturity each year, deepening their friendship with Christ and other boys from around the country,” says Fr. Patrick. “This year Indiana took home the gold – it was fantastic to see their hard work, team work and great sportsmanship throughout!”
You can check out all the fun the boys had at the ECYD Middle School Boys National Tournament in this video posted by Fr. Jaime Lorenzo, LC, who serves as the ECYD Director in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and on the Northshore.
And although this year’s national tournament has come and gone, the ECYD summer camps are fast approaching!
Upcoming Girls ECYD Camps
Girls ECYD Camps are unique experiences for girls from 5th-12th grade to grow in their Catholic faith and make lasting friendships. At camp, girls ages 10-18 will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities and will enjoy prayer and spiritual growth through participation in Mass and Confession. Sports, games, workshops, team dynamics, exciting night activities, swimming, and fun in the sun, are typical ECYD camp activities. There are over a dozen ECYD Girls summer camps happening in 11 different states in June and July:
Challenge Camp will be held at Camp Cho-Yeh in Livingston, Texas June 13th-16th. Email Carrie Frain for more information.
Challenge 5th/6th Grade Camp 2 is being held at Camp River Ridge in Oldenburg, Indiana, and will feature bonfires, creeking, and horseback riding.
Washington, DC is hosting two ECYD Girls camps this summer: LTP Girls Day Camp: Daughters of the King is a half-day camp that will run June 19th-23rd and is geared towards girls in 2nd-5th grade, while ECYD Summer Camp is an overnight camp on June 25th-30th for 5th-9th grade girls and 10th-12th grade leaders.
ECYD Summer Camp Tekakwitha 1.0 takes place June 19th-24th at Bocamb Farms in Convington, Louisiana for girls going into 5th-8th grade. Camp Tekakwitha is a story camp allowing the participants to enter into the life of St. Kateri Tekakwitha of the Mohawks, learning about her lifestyle as a Native American in upstate New York in the second half of the 17th Century, her journey of discovery of the faith through the French “Black Robes,” and the development of her friendship with Jesus Christ. This year’s formation theme is Friendship with Christ and Love for the Eucharist.
Visit challengeyouthministry.com for more information about these camps, and about the camps scheduled for July.
Upcoming Boys ECYD Camps
Boys ECYD Camps are for boys in 5th-12th grade and are focused on spiritual development as well as leadership skills. There are over 25 camp locations each summer, providing boys with a unique experience of “Forging them in Virtue” with fun and adventure. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports, games, formative activities, spiritual talks, and prayer and the sacraments.
The first ECYD camp of the summer is the Leadership Camp at Camp Bocamb in Convington, which is happening May 30th-June 3rd. Registration for this camp closes on May 28th. Argentus Summer Camp 2023, held at the same location, will run June 5th-11th, and Argentus Day Camp, for boys entering 1st-4th grades, will be held June 27th-30th.
Camp Atlantas will be held in Jasper, Georgia on June 1st-June 10th. Campers will enter the realm of Atlantas as squires and members of the six Houses of Atlantas, learn skills and powers from the Atlantan Knights themselves, and forge themselves as friends and apostles of Jesus Christ intent on building up and defending his Kingdom right here in the Southeast. This unique camp features medieval-style tournaments and sports, camping, hikes, wildlife skills, and even swordplay!
Dallas is hosting two camps this year: ECYD Summer Camp, Samurai – Honor & Brotherhood on June 4th-9th, and DFW Day Camp 2023 – Brotherhood on June 12th-16th.
Sacred Heart Apostolic School in Rolling Prairie, Indiana will be hosting a day camp called Camp Cristero on June 11th-16th. Contact Fr. Robert DeCesare for more information.
Camp Cincinnatus at Camp River Ridge in Oldenburg, Indiana has several camps running this summer, including a Boys Summer Camp June 11th-16th.
Fr. Andrew Gronotte, LC, will be hosting a Summer Leadership Course at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta on June 11th-17th. Contact Fr. Andrew for more information.
For more information about these camps, or the many camps being held in July and August, visit https://conquestyouthministry.com/camps/.