Was it Worth it?

Dear Friends,

In scorching temperatures of 95 degrees, 5 miles of dusty gravel roads skirting fields of farmland brought 500 plus people together in eastern Nebraska along the Eucharistic pilgrimage’s Serra route leading up to the congress this week. We all came carrying our individual intentions, as varied as the people themselves. From mothers with kids in strollers to the elderly who relied on canes for assistance, we pilgrims walked the 5 miles with our eyes fixed in the direction of the monstrance. It was not an easy journey for anyone. Our destination was the Holy Family Shrine in Gretna, Nebraska, a beautiful glass chapel visible from I-80. 

What most moved me was the pilgrims’ witness. The multitudes of priests in liturgical vestments bravely withstanding the heat brought tears to my eyes, as did the elderly who, after completing the journey, sat in the grass overwhelmed with emotion. I kept thinking over and over how pleased the Lord must be with the pilgrims’ courage and determination to be part of such a historical moment, to willingly suffer through such intense weather conditions. In the noisy anti-Christian world, silent armies of holy men and women are walking virtually unseen behind their King. 

Four routes are traversing the United States, all leading to Indianapolis for the Eucharistic Congress. We will never know the graces to be granted to each pilgrim, but I am certain not one pilgrim has escaped the loving gaze of our Father in Heaven. Was it worth it? Absolutely!

This week I will join 50,000-plus pilgrims from across the nation at the Eucharistic Congress—please join me in praying for each pilgrim to experience a deep personal encounter with our Lord.  May this Congress bring forth an abundance of religious vocations and a groundswell of convicted apostles ready to witness to a world in need of the Gospel. 

Yours in the Heart of Jesus,


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