
Inner Healing Retreat for Men and Women

What is inner healing? Why do Christians need it? How do we become aware of what holds us down in any way by the hurts of the past? Fr. Jason Brooks, LC along with teams of trained prayer ministers in cooperation with the Holy Spirit will answer those questions and offer their experience, strength and hope regarding the inner healing ministry of Jesus… healing the broken-hearted and setting the captives free.

The weekend will include talks and meditations on inner healing, witnesses on God’s healing power, individual inner healing prayer sessions, praise & worship adoration, Mass and confession.

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Fr. Jason Brooks Encounter Ministries Healing Ministry Detroit

New Regnum Christi Healing Ministry in Detroit

Fr. Jason Brooks LC, has begun a new healing ministry in the Regnum Christi locality of Detroit; but for Fr. Jason, his journey into healing ministry started long ago.


Back in 2015, Fr. Jason attended a healing retreat for clergy held at the John Paul II Healing Center in Tallahassee, Florida, where the center’s founder, Dr. Bob Schuchts, spoke on the healing of the whole person through encounter with the powerful love of Christ. For Fr. Jason, this message of inner healing was a personal one. After the scandal of the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, he had experienced his own profound need for inner healing and a renewal of his heart and mind. Providentially, upon arriving to Detroit in 2017 to be the chaplain of the adult sections of Regnum Christi, Fr. Jason met the new  women’s section director, Diane Burns, who was also interested in healing and charismatic prayer. Diane introduced Fr. Jason to the documentary film Fearless, which inspired him to learn more about power evangelization and healing ministry. 



In 2018, Fr. Jason, along with several RC members from the Detroit locality, attended the first annual Encounter Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan. As he continued to attend  the conferences in 2019 and early 2020, the idea of starting a healing ministry began to take root, and in 2021, Fr. Jason received permission from his Legionary superiors and the local RC leadership in Detroit to begin the ministry. In order to become trained and better prepared to carry out a healing ministry, Fr. Jason and several women from the RC section enrolled in the Encounter School of Ministry, a two-year training program designed to teach, equip, and activate disciples to demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Attending courses in-person at the school’s campus in Brighton, Michigan, Fr. Jason studied topics such as Identity and Transformation, Hearing God’s Voice, and Power and Healing.


As a priest, Fr. Jason was already well acquainted with inner healing models and practices and had performed many anointings for people who were sick or headed into surgery, but before attending the Encounter School of Ministry, he had never intentionally prayed for physical healing, nor did he have much expectation or faith in on-the-spot healings.


 However, as he started to pray in this new way, he eventually started to witness more and more miracles. The turning point in his healing ministry journey occurred in his second year of training. In June before that year had begun, he was to accompany another priest from Encounter Ministries, who was far more experienced in healings, to Louisiana for a 24-Hour School of Healing. As it turned out, the priest he was to assist was suddenly unavailable for the second evening of the event, and Fr. Jason ended up having to lead the healing service himself. That night, he personally witnessed several healings: for instance, a woman who had severe back pain and could barely sit experienced, for the first time in a long time, full relief from pain. “That definitely encouraged me to keep going, and I went into year two with a lot more expectation.”


Fr. Jason Brooks Encounter Ministries Healing Ministry Detroit



At the annual Encounter Conference in 2023, these expectations of healing were met. During a healing event with Damien Stayne, founder of the Cor et Lumen Christi Community, Fr. Jason felt a real desire to receive and share the Holy Spirit with others through the gift of healing. “I just said to myself in prayer, ‘Lord, I want to see more of this in my life.’” Since then, Fr. Jason has completed his two-year training program with Encounter Ministries. Currently, his healing ministry team consists of himself and eight Regnum Christi members, six of whom have already graduated from the Encounter School of Ministry and one who will graduate next year. They are beginning renovations on what is soon to be the ministry’s headquarters – a small historical house on the grounds of Everest Academy, a Regnum Christi school in Clarkston, Michigan.


But until the headquarters are complete, Fr. Jason takes his healing ministry wherever he goes. He visits Everest Academy every Wednesday night for a weekly Holy Hour, followed by healing prayer for those who would like to stay. Just recently, a man who had a broken shoulder attended, and when he had his x-ray a few days later, his doctor stated that there was perfect alignment of the bones and that there would be no surgery needed.


One of the most dramatic healings Fr. Jason has witnessed happened earlier this year while he prayed for his mom’s friend, Donna, over the phone: “Donna is a sarcoma cancer survivor, but she was still in a lot of pain. In fact, she said that on a scale of 1 to 10, her pain level was at a 9. By the time I was done praying for Donna, her pain was completely gone. She could hardly believe it! Moreover, when she went for her cancer checkup a couple months later, there was not a trace of cancer in her body!”


And Fr. Jason heard about an even more amazing creative miracle, that has since been corroborated by doctors, that recently occurred during an Encounter Ministry healing service at Anahuac University, a Regnum Christi university in Mexico City: a 10-year-old girl, who was born without a thyroid, miraculously grew a thyroid gland and now has a fully functional thyroid system.


Fr. Jason has also recently shared his training and experience in the healing ministry with the Legionary seminarians in Cheshire, Connecticut. In January of 2023, Regnum Christi published a new essay titled Considerations on Charisms, Healing Ministry, and Life in the Spirit, which provides context and guidance to help members understand the gifts of the Spirit and integrate them into their own spiritual life – Fr. Jason was able to visit the seminary while he was travelling through the area, and shared some of his personal experiences with healing in light of the document. “We prayed a corporate prayer over the brothers that they would have a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and then asked if anyone would like to stay and receive individual prayer. They all stayed, so we prayed individually over the brothers for over two hours, praying right through lunch!”


Another opportunity Fr. Jason recently had to share this new ministry was during Holy Week in April. Holy Week has traditionally been a time when Regnum Christi members all over the world participate in a variety of missions – including Cross Walks, live Stations of the Cross, adoration evenings, and door-to-door evangelization – to bring the message of Christ’s passion and resurrection to their communities. And for Fr. Jason, the healing ministry brings a new charism to missions like these, and makes his encounters even more impactful. Fr. Jason describes one such encounter in which an entire family was moved by the gift of healing: “On Holy Saturday, I accompanied a young couple to visit a family that had asked them to bring back a priest to speak with their teenage son. After I talked to the son, I asked if anyone was in pain; and the mom raised her hand.  She told me that she suffers from diabetes and, at the end of the day; her feet are always killing her. Therefore, I had her sit down and everyone gathered around her and put a hand on her, including her three-year-old son, and together we prayed for healing from her pain. Even before she stood up, she was crying – she was in no pain! The Vigil Mass was about to begin, so we had to go, but then the whole family showed up at the Vigil Mass in thanksgiving to God for what they had just witnessed, and I don’t think that had been in their original Saturday night plans!”


And that was just one of many healings that Fr. Jason witnessed during his missions during Holy Week. One woman who was experiencing from pain and memory loss due to a concussion and injuries she sustained in a car accident experienced complete healing on Holy Thursday, and shared her testimony on Easter Sunday. Another woman, who had suffered from migraines for the past 40 years from the time she was a child, felt sudden relief while she was being prayed over, and has been pain-free ever since.


What Fr. Jason has witnessed is that the impact of these healings during Holy Week, and all of those that he has experienced, always goes far beyond the individual who is healed – it evangelizes and awakens the faith of the families, the missionaries, and Fr. Jason himself. “It was great for the missionaries to see the power of God acting through me and through them when I invited them to join me to pray for healing, and it manifests the Kingdom of God right there!” says Fr. Jason. “It’s awesome and it’s so beautiful – I love helping people have these encounters with God!”


For more information about Fr. Jason’s healing ministry, you can contact him at [email protected]. Fr. Jason also hosts a podcast, which you can find at Fr. Jason Brooks, LC on Apple Podcasts, where he shares homilies and reflections on a regular basis. He currently resides in Detroit and serves as Chaplain of the Regnum Christi locality.


To find out more about Encounter Ministries and their School of Ministry, visit their website at encounterministries.us.

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Stronger in the Broken Places

Dear Friends,

In preparing to write this reflection, my mind kept going back to a story I read several years ago in a book written by Fr. Cleveland. The story was shared in a chapter entitled “Stronger in the Broken Pieces”. Hence, the title of this reflection. 

The story relates how a great British violinist was once invited to play a concert on a priceless 250 plus year old Stradivarius violin. If you are a classical music buff, this has already gotten your attention. Each Stradivarius violin is made of 80 pieces of specifically selected pine, boxwood, and ebony. It is covered with 30 types of special varnish. Each one created is unique and of great value. The famed violinist knew the treasure that was placed in his hands. He knew the hauntingly beautiful notes that come from a violin of this caliber. As he walked out on stage, he tripped on a cord and fell. The violin was broken in several pieces. WOW.

I can just imagine the shock that reverberated throughout the audience and the knot of despair in the pit of the stomach of the violinist. 

After painstaking work that happened over a period of two months, this same violinist was presented with the same violin. He doubted it could ever sound the same.  It didn’t. It was even better. The notes seem to hang in the air forever. No one could even see where the instrument had been repaired. This is the work of a master craftsman. 

Catholics are taught that each person is created by the ultimate ‘Master Craftsman’ in our mother’s womb and that each one of us is completely unique. We also know we are born into a broken world and trauma and suffering may shatter our families, our friendships and maybe even shake our faith. It is here we look to draw strength from the lives of the saints and our Blessed Mother. They too suffered at the hands of others, intentionally and unintentionally. 

Our Lady of Sorrows offers us an opportunity to meditate on the seven events in the life of the Blessed Mother where it seems like her heart is pierced and breaking into pieces just like the violin.  Each moment Mary entrusts her aching heart to God our Father and He repairs it in such a way it becomes stronger.  May we as well entrust our broken lives into the hands of the Master Craftsman trusting that He will not only heal our wounds but make us stronger.

Yours in the Heart of Jesus,


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DMU Graduates Equipped to Bring Healing in a Time of Unprecedented Need

Divine Mercy University (DMU) celebrated its twentieth anniversary, and its 19th Graduation Mass and Commencement Exercises, with a virtual ceremony on June 20th, 2020, with 88 new masters and doctoral graduates from the Institute for the Psychological Sciences (IPS) and the School of Counseling.

This year, DMU students faced unique circumstances; due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in the middle of March, all Psy.D classes for the spring and summer semesters transitioned to online instruction, while all on-campus residencies scheduled for May and July were scheduled instead for online format.

Father Charles Sikorsky, LC, President of DMU, opened the virtual ceremony by welcoming this year’s graduating class. “While your graduation and its celebration are taking place in an unplanned and unprecedented format, I think the circumstances that have brought about that only underscore how meaningful and critical your lives and careers are to so many people in need,” said Father Sikorsky. “While mental health, human service, and pastoral workers have always been in short supply – the harvest is great but the workers are few – the coronavirus and its consequences have created an even greater need. Whether it’s helping families grieve the loss of loved ones, helping those who’ve lost employment and hope, those who’ve suffered abuse or trauma, marital and family difficulties, or the many other emotional and mental illnesses that have been exacerbated, your skills and your gifts are truly needed.”

Father Richard Gill, who helped found IPS, and served as its president from 2002-2005, in his address to the students, reflected on the history of the university, from the moment when it was simply a hope and an idea. “It’s so beautiful to see that the vision has stayed the same and yet expanded over the years, that there’s a way to do psychology that serves the human person and helps him flourish, that starts from the vantage point that he’s made in the image and likeness of a good God, that he’s redeemed by the mercy and the sacrifice of Jesus and that he’s destined for eternal happiness in heaven,” said Father Gill. “And this is the noble task that all the graduates have: to help every person and every client that you have to regain the freedom so they can live as a child of God, that they can pursue that vocation to which God has called them all, the purpose God created us for.”

The 2020 Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipient was Stephen F. Auth, Executive Vice President and a chief investment officer with Federated Global Equities, and author of Missionary of Wall Street. In his commencement speech, Mr. Auth encouraged the graduates to use the unique education and training that they received at DMU – one that acknowledges that “to cure souls, you can’t leave out the role of God in their lives” – to recognize their great duty as healers in an unparalleled time of need:

“This year will always be marked on the calendar as a very special one, perhaps as one of those great turning points in human history – or at least as a big asterisk on history’s timeline. Somehow, within the eye of the storm, you’ve completed your studies here at Divine Mercy University, you’ve earned your degree, and now your job – which you’ve already accepted – is to help make that turning point one that leads to a better future for all of us.”

Sister Mary Patrice Ahearn, RSM, who completed her PsyD at IPS in 2013, was this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award, and her address to the students was a call to be bold: “Go out, not afraid to be truthful and integral in who you are as a Christian, as a Catholic, and have great courage in doing it, because our world is very hungry,” said Sister Ahearn, “and you have a great education and formation now that has just made you more equipped to serve.”

Although this year’s graduates spent their final weeks at DMU dealing with the logistics and challenges of coping with a pandemic, instead of savoring their final days and celebrating their accomplishments together in person, they are forever grateful for the unique experience provided by DMU.

Rose Bond, who graduated with an MS in Counseling, is currently working as a Direct Support Professional, relying on the counseling experience she gained at DMU to help her better understand her clients, and provide important insight to their care teams. “I hope to help the persons in my area who are most affected by the global pandemic, who cannot fend for themselves. I hope to be a strong advocate for them and assist them to thrive in their world.”

Jennifer Weisbrod currently serves on several committees at the university-based health system and, since receiving her MS in Psychology, including completing a behavioral health coding course while enrolled at DMU, has been rendering services to mental health practitioners who seek better understanding of how to properly bill for their services, particularly as the demand for virtual counseling increases. She is currently investigating certifications through the Green Cross Academy of Traumatology through DMU. “This will better prepare me for serving in any future pandemic or other disasters.

Joni Seith also received her MS in Psychology; as a deacon’s wife, mother of four grown children (including one priest) and grandmother, catechist, and prayer group and ministry leader, she decided to pursue an education at DMU to equip her to better serve others in her various roles. The online MSP degree at DMU was an answer to Joni’s prayer; serious physical challenges due to a genetic connective tissue condition prohibited her from pursuing an on-campus program. Since completing her degree, she has already found a multitude of opportunities to share what she has learned, appearing as a guest speaker on podcasts and online conferences. Recently, she has been inspired to start a blog called Pain of Grace, and plans to complete her manuscript on the challenges of handling chronic pain and infirmity. “The education I received in psychology from DMU gave me the confidence and tools to do this.” Joni hopes to pursue the Spiritual Direction Certificate Program at DMU in the future.

Father Paulinus Okpala, who was born and raised in Eastern Nigeria, was ordained a priest in 2001 in the Diocese of Awka, and currently serves as the Parochial Administrator at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Cordele, Georgia. He intends to use the training he received while pursuing his MS in Psychology at the service of his parishioners: “Just being a priest in the parish already puts one in a helping position for different kinds of people – how much more when one has studied and acquired some helping skills. This was precisely why I wanted to further my education in psychology.”

Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Father Longin Buhake is the Civilian Military Chaplain at the U.S. Air Force base in Tyndall, Florida. He graduates with an MS in Psychology and Counseling, and in his current role as Priest Chaplain, Father Longin recognizes his sacred responsibility to help those he serves to strengthen both their spiritual and psychological well-being, many of whom have felt their mental health impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. As a 2020 DMU graduate, Father Longin is ready to accept the immense responsibility of caring for the mental health of those he serves during this unprecedented time. “Graduating and entering the field of mental health during the pandemic means confronting a mix of unique obstacles of emotions, even as one celebrates their achievement. The pandemic has driven changes in both mental health care and residency training – it will shape the identities of Helping Professionals who specialize in mental and emotional health. As the pandemic evolves, the population is looking up to mental health care staff for guidance and care. Graduates will bear the opportunity of becoming leaders, developing outstanding empathy for patients.”

The 2020 graduates embark on their unique mission to accompany those who are suffering, to be present to those in need and to share the insights regarding the human person with everyone they encounter.

For more information about the degree programs at Divine Mercy University, contact 703-416-1441 or visit www.divinemercy.edu.

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Regnum Christi Spirituality Center Ask a Priest

“Ask a Priest: Should We Shame a Woman Who’s Had Abortions?”

Q: Should Catholics shame a women for having abortions early in her life and is now scared and ashamed and remorseful? I have had a friend who confided in me about two abortions she had years ago. She only told me and explained to me why she is always so down and distant from people but felt she could trust me. Because of my upbringing in very strict, judgmental Catholic family I feel I should distance myself from her. But my own version of God is to not abandon people in need. I care deeply for this person. She even hopes one day we can be in a relationship, but my mind will never let me go there, and I think it’s more because of worry about how my family will feel. I feel it’s not a Christian way to treat people by not forgiving and showing compassion. But maybe I’m wrong as a devout Catholic myself — maybe I need to cut this person from my life? Looking for some guidance. – T.G.

Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC

A: It’s not the role of Catholics to shame a woman in this situation but rather to encourage her on a path of healing.

Many women suffer deep psychological wounds because of their abortions. Those who think they cannot obtain God’s mercy can end up in a psychological and emotional tailspin.

This woman needs healing both at the spiritual and the psychological levels.

That she has been so secretive about her past indicates that she has a lot of regret for what happened. She recognizes that the abortions were wrong. If she has confided her past to you, that means she trusts you and might be open to any advice you could offer.

This would be the moment to encourage her to go to confession and to seek out counseling, such as what could be offered at a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat.

Pope St. John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae articulates a pastoral approach toward post-abortive women:

“I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion. The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and she does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and his peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. To the same Father and his mercy you can with sure hope entrust your child. With the friendly and expert help and advice of other people, and as a result of your own painful experience, you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone’s right to life. Through your commitment to life, whether by accepting the birth of other children or by welcoming and caring for those most in need of someone to be close to them, you will become promoters of a new way of looking at human life” (No. 99).

You might be the instrument through which your friend will learn of God’s mercy and find a source of hope.

Catholics more than anyone are called to be witnesses of God’s mercy. We ourselves encounter that mercy every time we take advantage of the sacrament of confession. It is an imminently Christian thing to reach out to a fallen soul and help her to reconcile with God.

It’s one thing to hate sin; it’s quite another to be judgmental and to write off sinners. “Stop judging, that you may not be judged” (Matthew 7:1).

Jesus died for all of us. We all need his redemption. It would give him great joy if your friend could turn to him for mercy. He wants to bring healing to her heart.

And with God’s grace she might someday be reunited with her babies.

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Miracles of Mercy | A Retreat Guide On The Healing Touch of Jesus with Fr. John Bartunek, LC

Miracles of Mercy: A Retreat Guide on the Healing Touch of Jesus

When was the last time you reflected deeply, even meditated, on one of Jesus’ miracles? He performed an awful lot of them. Thirty-four are recorded in the Gospels. And St. John tells us that those are just a small percentage of the total. He writes:

“There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written.” —John 21:25

If Jesus performed so many miracles, there must have been a reason. God must have something to say to us through all these miraculous deeds. What is the message behind these miracles? That’s the question that this Retreat Guide, Miracles of Mercy: A Retreat Guide on the Healing Touch of Jesus, will explore.

  • In the First Meditation we will look at two of Jesus’ miracles and see how they reveal God’s power and his love. In other words, they show that he not only is able to heal us, but he also wants to.
  • In the Second Meditation, we will reflect on a different event to see how all of Jesus’ miracles are also signs meant to point our attention towards our true destiny.
  • And in the Conference, we will see how we ourselves can become better and better living signs of God’s mercy, living miracles, as it were, by understanding and taming the emotion of anger. Let’s begin by quieting our hearts and turning our attention once again to the Lord, who never stops paying attention to us.

Let’s ask him for all the graces we need, most especially the grace to experience a fresh, through this Retreat Guide on Christ’s miracles of mercy, the healing touch of Jesus.



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Regnum Christi Spirituality Center Ask a Priest

“Ask a Priest: Why are there not more miracles today as in the Early Church?”

Q: Scripture records how commonplace it was for miraculous healings to take place throughout the apostles’ ministries … even when the shadow of an apostle’s cloak passed over someone. Why is it only very rare to hear of physical healings in the Church today? Why has God greatly limited the graces given to priests for physically healing those they minister to? It’s sad. -C.L.

Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC

A: I can understand your sadness at not hearing of more miracles nowadays. One of the great mysteries of life is why God allows so much suffering in this world, including among the innocent.

Your question touches on a number of important points, so let’s take them one by one.

True, the New Testament records that Jesus performed a lot of miracles, either directly or through his apostles. Miracles helped to give credibility to Jesus’ message and helped to demonstrate that he was indeed the Son of God. Miracles also gave credibility to the apostles’ preaching.

Yet miracles were not the end-all of Jesus’ mission. In fact, he tended to give more priority to his preaching than to his miracles. “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come” (Mark 1:38).

Presumably, Jesus could have spent all his time performing miraculous cures. But he didn’t. It is not that he was indifferent to people’s physical suffering. Rather, he was more interested in healing their souls, in bringing them to repentance.

Still, miracles seemed to have a more prominent place in the early Church. As time went on, it seemed that God relied on more-normal signs of his grace to accompany his Church. These included the numerous works of charity done by and within Christian communities and the witness of Christian marriages and families.

Of course, miracles are not a thing of the past. There are still miracles today. The Church canonizes saints, in part, on the basis of miracles done in their name. This does not imply that there are not other miracles in the world. Many of us have heard of seemingly miraculous cures, such as among cancer patients who enjoy an inexplicable recovery. True, the Church might never verify officially that these cures are miracles. Yet, our intellects can draw faith-filled conclusions when presented with powerful evidence.

It is good to remember that the best cures are spiritual. “Miracles” of grace can bring people back to the sacrament of confession after a lapse of decades. That kind of healing has consequences that can last longer than any physical cure. (For further reading, you might consider the “Amazing Grace” books series published by Ascension Press. The books compile real-life experiences of normal people in today’s world who had remarkable, “miraculous” encounters with God’s grace.)

In answer to your last observation, I’d say that God has already given priests the gift of being able to bring the best healing to souls, through the sacraments. God has been known to give special powers of healing to some priests and laypeople. In any case, the Almighty is not indifferent to our suffering. Often he wants us to simply embrace it and offer it back to him for the sake of souls and for his glory. I hope this helps. Rest assured of my prayers.

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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!