A Charism is a gift from God and a specific way that he calls a person or a group to live the spirituality, communion, and mission that comes from a mystery of Jesus’ life.
Regnum Christi is Latin for “the Kingdom of Christ.” Christ is the Kingdom of God incarnate, and he invites Regnum Christi to the mission of making him present here and now in the hearts of all people and in the world around us: he invites us to be his apostles.
Jesus seeks us out to meet us where we are, brings us together as a community, reveals the love of his heart to us, forms us as apostles, and invites us to go out with him to evangelize so that he may reign in the hearts of all people and in the world around us.
Living the Regnum Christi Charism as a community
In Regnum Christi, Jesus Christ calls each person, together with others of different vocations– Legionaries of Christ, Consecrated Women, Lay Consecrated Men, and lay members – to the mission of making his kingdom present in the hearts of the people around us and in today’s society. He calls us to be a community of apostles.
Our Spirituality
Regnum Christi’s charism, like all charisms in the Church, is rooted in a mystery from Christ’s life which inspires a unique spirituality. Our spirituality is centered above all on Jesus Christ and born from experiencing his love. We seek to respond to our Friend and Lord with a personal, real, passionate, and faithful love.
Our Mission
To fulfill our mission, we seek to make present the mystery of Christ who goes out to people, reveals the love of his heart to them, gathers them together and forms them as apostles and Christian leaders, sends them out and accompanies them as they collaborate in the evangelization of people and of society (SRCF 8).
The Kingdom of God is a gift and we cannot build it with our own efforts alone. Communion with Christ and his grace precede and accompany all of Regnum Christi’s apostolic action. In Regnum Christi, there are principles that spring from the charism and guide our work of evangelization (SRCF 9, 31-39).
Our Shared Charism makes us a Spiritual Family & an Apostolic Body: a Community of Apostles.
As a pontifically approved Federation in the Catholic Church, we have a structure and a charism that give rise to a way of discerning and living the mission in communion among the different vocations that make up Regnum Christi.
The way Regnum Christi members live the charism unfolds in 5 aspects of life: the spiritual life, formation, accompaniment, apostolate, and team life.
A charism is something dynamic, something that lives in hearts of the people who receive it from God, and unfolds in a way of living the spirituality and mission.
What mystery in Christ’s life does the RC Charism come from?
Every charism springs from a mystery in the life of Christ, from contemplating him and from living that mystery.
A charism is something dynamic, something that lives in hearts of the people who receive it from God, and unfolds in a way of living the spirituality and mission.
Essays on the Regnum Christi Charism
The essays available here reflect on the charism according to the Regnum Christi Statutes and the mystery of Christ’s life which gives rise to the Regnum Christi identity.
Statutes & Regulations of Regnum Christi
The Statutes & Regulations of the Regnum Christi Federation collect and express the identity, mission and organizational structure of Regnum Christi. The Statutes were approved by the Holy See in 2019, after a path of renewal and redemption, at the same time that Regnum Christi was established as a Federation between the Legionaries of Christ, Consecrated Women, Lay Consecrated Women, and lay members who join by associating individually.