ECYD Project “Totus Tuus” Promotes the Rosary in Two Mexican Cities

In Acapulco and Mérida, ECYD members participated in an event called “Totus tuus” where they handed out rosaries and encouraged people to pray them. 

The name of the activity arose in honor of the papal motto of John Paul II, “Totus tuus” which comes from the abbreviation of the consecration of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, “Totus Tuus ego sum et omnia mea tua sunt,” which means, “I am all yours and all that is mine is yours.” 


On Saturday, October 20, children, adolescents and parents belonging to the ECYD Mérida did “Totus tuus.” The event began with the meeting of the participants in the Summit Institute at 10:00 am to pray the rosary, then divided into teams in different locations to encourage people to pray the rosary by means of banners, and distributing rosaries and holy cards. 

This took place in different parts of Mérida, such as Las Américas Park, Salvador Alvarado, Centenario, Hidalgo, Paseo de Montejo, Centro Histórico and Zócalo. 

The activities ended around noon, when they met at the Church of Our Lady of Fatima to join the celebration of the Mass, offered in honor of the Virgin Mary. 

According to the testimony expressed by Eduardo Peniche, the event was made possible thanks to the good organization of AFIRE and the availability of the children who attended. 


A week later on October 29, ECYD youth of various ages, with team leaders and parents, met in the courtyard of Colegio Liceo in the city of Acapulco, Guerrero to recite of the rosary. 

They were prayers and songs that cheered the hearts of everyone present. The intentions of this rosary were mainly for all the disappeared victims, for the violence that the whole country suffers, for Acapulco, for the migrants, because abortion is not legalized, for a united country, for peace, for family and friends. 

On this occasion the “Totus tuus” was held inside the school due to the violence suffered by the city and not to expose the young people in the streets as it was done previously. 

Because of the situation of violence that Acapulco is experiencing, the members of the Regnum Christi Movement of that locality faithfully believe that by praying and asking Jesus Christ with all their faith, it will help them to improve this situation that keeps the whole population tense. 

This article is a translation of two articles from SomosRC, the Mexican Regnum Christi site.

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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!